Animal Magic Services
We offer a wide range of options for your special occasion such as a birthday party, we are an interactive handling display, with educational talks and hands on experience for any age range. All our animals are friendly and live with us at home. All options are adaptable and can be tailored to your requirements, for those keen on a certain type of animal event, we are happy to help with any special requests
Pony & Unicorn Parties
Tony the Pony is a fabulous little addition to the family, he loves cuddles and showing off.Great for photos and displays, he has many outfits and coloured coordinations, suitable for any theme you wish
The Cute & Furry Party
This is one of our most popular events, suitable for all ages. Can include any of our wonderful fluffy animals, from rabbits and guinea pigs to small owl and Whiff the skunk.
The Creepy Crawley Party
This is more suitable for children over the age of 5, with a selection of bugs, insects and reptiles and the more scaly varieties.
The Exotic Encounter
Suitable for the older age range, our exotic collection of animals is growing, meerkat experience is a truly spectacular display and Pandora our Silver Fox will be a forever memory, meet Kinky the Kinkajou ideal for rainforest topics.
Dog Party
We have the most amazing pack of dogs, all happy to meet and greet people, for one on one sessions or just a fun party in the garden with a few children. Our dogs are a big part of our family and will happily socialise in any venue
Bunny Party
For the rabbit encounters, we have a large group of bunnies, all different sizes and coat textures, at certain times of the year we have baby bunnies available to show
Mouse Party
Cheeky mice look wonderful playing a range of mouse set ups, we build these displays with the help of the children and then watch the mice play, participants will be able to hold mice for photos
Parrot Party
We have a lovely family of parrots , all very bold and happy to meet people, Bobby the Blue and Gold Macaw is a definite favourite
Owl Experience
Our birds of prey are all very tame, great for photos and close up encounters
Fox Encounters
Pandora the Silver Fox is one of kind, she is naturally gentle and inquisitive, will take food from your hand and sit for photos
Animal Magic for Educational Events Birthday Party Celebration Family Fun Days Unicorn Parties Bunny Parties Dog Interaction Display Puppy Rooms Meerkat Experience